Summer opening delayed to July 18th

Due to poor weather conditions at the beginning of this summer we will not be able to start our summer opening at Hlíðarfjall at the original date and will have to delay our opening until July 18th.
The drying process of the mountain has taken longer than we expected, snow in the beginning of June and fairly cold weather so the area is still very wet and the road up to Strýta Hut is impassable. Therefore it is not really possible to hike in the area and we have not been able to work on our bike trails yet. We hope to start this work next week and that this extra week will give us time to get the area in shape.
The opening of Fjallkona upper chairlift will also be delayed since there is still a lot of snow in the upper area, we are planning to run four weekends on saturdays and sundays from august 3rd until august 25th.
We will also look into adding a week to the back of our summer opening period in September if the conditions allow and the attendance is good :)